Short Riddles

Riddles come in all shapes and sizes, even if size doesn’t matter. Just check these short riddles and see for yourself. While it’s true that hard riddles often sport longer texts, short enigmas are not to be disdained. To make up for their size, they normally employ some wordplay or tricky associations that catch the player by surprise. Solving them is less about interpreting the text and more about thinking outside the box. Why don’t you give them a go and try for yourself?

206 Short Riddles With Answers

How is it possible to shave three times a day and still grow a beard?

Answer: If you were a barber, you could shave other men three times a day and still grow your own beard

What asks but never answers?

Answer: Owl

Iron on a mammal. Mammal on your feet.

Answer: Shoe

What do you use to hoe a row, slay a foe, and wring with woe?

Answer: Hands

What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?

Answer: Penny

Flat as a leaf, round as a ring. Has two eyes, can't see a thing.

Answer: Button

What goes around the world and stays in a corner?

Answer: Stamp

Long and slinky like a trout, never sings till it's guts come out.

Answer: Gun

What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it?

Answer: A teapot

What is harder to catch the faster you run?

Answer: Your breath!

What year comes next in this sequence: 1973 1979 1987 1993 1997 1999

Answer: 2003: they are prime years

I run around the city, but I never move.

Answer: Wall

What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two more letters?

Answer: Short

I crawl on the earth. And rise on a pillar.

Answer: Shadow

What has to be broken before it can be used?

Answer: Egg

How do you make “one” disappear?

Answer: Add a “g” to make it “gone” or an “n” to make it “none“!

No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?

Answer: Silence

What kind of storm is always in a rush?

Answer: A hurry- cane

What begins and has no end? What is the ending of all that begins?

Answer: Death

What goes through a door but never goes in. And never comes out?

Answer: Keyhole

What is black when clean and white when dirty?

Answer: A chalkboard

Come up and let us go. Go down and here we stay.

Answer: Anchor

What goes further the slower it goes?

Answer: Money

What can touch someone once and last them a life time?

Answer: Love

How Far Can You Walk into the woods?

Answer: HalfWay

Why did the baseball coach tell the baseball player to go to the bank?

Answer: Because the baseball coach wanted his quarter back!

What is it that you must give before you can keep it.

Answer: Word

Whilst I was engaged in sitting. I spied the dead carrying the living

Answer: Ship

I'm full of holes, yet I'm full of water.

Answer: Sponge

I give milk and have a horn but I'm not a cow? What am I?

Answer: A milk truck

What is it that is deaf, dumb and blind and always tells the truth?

Answer: A Mirror

I pass before the sun, but make no shadow.

Answer: Wind

Take off my skin, I won't cry, but you will.

Answer: Onion

Long and think, red within, with a nail at the end.

Answer: Finger

What is it that given one, you’ll have either two or none?

Answer: Choice

what is a triangle with 2 sides?

Answer: no such thing

A tiny bead, like fragile glass, strung along a cord of grass.

Answer: Dew

How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?

Answer: Only one time. After that, you would be subtracting from 20

Although my cow is dead, I still beat her… What a racket she makes.

Answer: Drum

Forwards I am heavy, backward I am not. What am I?

Answer: A ton.

What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees. Up, up it goes, and yet never grows?

Answer: Mountain

If life gets tough, what do you have that you can always count on?

Answer: Your fingers!

What wears a coat in the winter and pants in the summer?

Answer: Dog

A father's child, a mother's child, yet no one's son. Who am I.

Answer: I'm their daughter

What tree do Fortune Tellers look at?

Answer: A palm tree of course

David's father has three sons : Snap, Krackel, and _____ ?

Answer: David. (remember it's Davids father)

Captain is to Private as Master is to

Answer: Slave

If a fire hydrant has H2O inside, what does it have on the outside?

Answer: K9P (you'll get it eventually)

He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he?

Answer: A preacher

I wear a red robe, with staff in hand, and a stone in my throat.

Answer: Cherry

Short riddles and easy riddles are often bundled together, but even if they greatly overlap, they are not the same. It is true that simple and short sentences indeed tend to result in simpler word puzzles. However, the difficulty of a riddle is not measured by how much text it employs, but rather by how tricky and challenging it is for the brain. Check out our collection of hard riddles and you might be surprised to find many short ones there. Or you can keep solving the riddles in this category. Even if the easy ones might give you a run for your money.

Last Updated: Thursday, May 16, 2024

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